
Published by swash on 3月 6th, 2017


2017年3月18日(土) 13:30-16:30

2017年3月19日(日) 13:00-17:00
東京大学本郷キャンパス工学部2号館 93B教室


Sex work and sex workers in Australia

【ミシュ・ポニー Mish Pony(スカーレットアライアンス)

オーストラリアの、セックスワークに関連する法律とそのセックスワーカーに対する影響について、スカーレットアライアンス(Scarlet Alliance)と関連団体の活動を通して報告する。オーストラリアの性産業が、LGBTQと移住セックスワーカーをふくむ多様なものであることにも触れる。
This presentation will cover sex work laws and their impact on sex workers around Australia, the work of Scarlet Alliance in Australia and our partners in the region, and the diversity of the Australian sex industry including LGBTQ and migrant sex workers.


Mish Pony is a trans woman sex worker from Sydney, Australia. They have worked in both brothels and privately in Melbourne and Sydney, and have about nine years’ experience in the sex industry. Mish has been involved with Scarlet Alliance as both a staff member and/or elected representative for the past eight years, and are currently the trans sex worker representative, administration officer and national training and assessment project coordinator. Mish has facilitated numerous workshops and presented at conferences on trans, queer and sex worker issues around Australia and internationally, and has a long history of queer, trans and sex worker activism, including starting Australia’s first LGBTIQ youth camp with their friends.

The Mission of the Center for Sex & Culture is to provide judgment-free education, cultural events, a library/media archive, and other resources to audiences across the sexual and gender spectrum; and to research and disseminate factual information, framing and informing issues of public policy and public health.

Progressive Sex Education, Sex Work and Porngraphy

Carol Queen presents her activism and scholarly work on progressive sex education and sexual minority issues, centering around her most closely affiliated issues, for over 25 years: the bisexual and sex work communities and non-mainstream sexualities, from lesbian to leather.

Dr.キャロル・クィーンは、文化セクソロジスト。サンフランシスコにあるCenter for Sex and Cultureの共同創設者で、1990年以いらい、女性のためのセックスショップGood Vibrationsの有給スタッフ兼歴史研究者を務めている。多くの単著、共著、編書を手がけてきた彼女の最新作は、『セックスと官能のために―すべての人に素晴らしいセックスを(Good Vibrationsガイド)』。40年以上にわたって、コンフェレンスなどの公の場で、研究者、一般、専門家を相手に公の場でセクシュアリティについて語ってきたが、内容は、性産業、ポルノ、性の多様性、セックスに積極的な文化、など多岐にわたる。

Dr. Carol Queen [www.carolqueen.com] co-founded the Center for Sex & Culture [www.sexandculture.org] in San Francisco and is staff sexologist and company historian at Good Vibrations, the women-founded sex shop, where she has worked since 1990. A noted cultural sexologist whose work has been widely published, she’s written, co-authored or edited several books, most recently The Sex & Pleasure Book: Good Vibrations Guide to Great Sex for Everyone. She has been speaking publicly about sexuality for over 40 years; she frequently speaks to conferences and academic, general and specialized audiences. She addresses the sex industry, pornography, sexual diversity, sex-positive culture, and many other topics.

「セックスと文化のセンター」(Center of Sex and Culture)は、幅広いジェンダーとセックスについての断定から自由な教育、イベント、図書・メディア他の資料を提供する独立の研究所

★大阪講演会司会・通訳 青山薫(神戸大学国際文化学研究科・社会学/ジェンダー/セクシュアリティ研究)
★東京講演会司会 SWASHメンバー。通訳あり。


文部科学省科学研究費 基盤研究(A)「トラウマとジェンダーの相互作用:精神病理・逸脱・創造性」代表 一橋大学社会学研究科 宮地尚子
文部科学省科学研究費 基盤研究(B)「東南アジアにおけるLGBTの比較政治研究」代表 名古屋大学国際開発研究科 日下渉